China moves away from zero-COVID

By December 13, 2022

China (MNN) — China announced changes to its pandemic policy, moving away from zero-COVID measures. This comes after nationwide protests against the restrictions.

People will be allowed to quarantine at home instead of in a government facility. Additionally, people will no longer have to use apps on their phones that track their health. Lockdowns have been limited in frequency and scope.

Additionally, the government hopes to jumpstart the vaccination program, which has thus far gotten off to a slow start.

Xi Jinping

But Xi Jinping maintains his powerful grip on Chinese life. Kurt Rovenstine with Bibles for China says, “Xi was able to secure that additional term and open up the door for quite a long reign there. That may not be the word that he uses. But he will have a lot more time in office. We were on a pause just as far as activity during that time. Now that that’s all over, we’re kind of back up and active in planning for next year.”

“We hope to be able to do as much or more next year, in terms of Bible funding for distribution, as we did this year.”

Bibles for China works to get Bibles to Chinese churches, especially in rural areas.

Amid constantly changing regulations, Rovenstine says the ministry has to stay flexible. “Xi has a secular worldview and has doubled down on the atheist manifesto in terms of, if you’re a communist, you will espouse this. I think that doesn’t bode well for the church. You have an entity that is promoting allegiance to God before state.”

Ask God to give Chinese Christians creativity in a very fluid situation. Pray Chinese believers will have the boldness and strength to serve and proclaim Jesus.



The header photo shows police patrolling in China during the initial COVID-19 outbreak. (Photo courtesy of China News Service, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)