Ukraine invasion passes grim one-year milestone

By February 24, 2023
SGA, Ukraine

Ukraine (MNN) — It has been one year now since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, marking a grim milestone for the people of Ukraine.

The war has had a devastating impact on the country’s economy and infrastructure, with more than 13,000 people killed and thousands more injured. Many families have been displaced, and their homes and businesses destroyed.

Eric Mock of Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) says, “No one expected the full-fledged assault. No one saw this coming. We expected a fight for increased separation of the eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk…but no one expected this.

“On the other side, it seems the Russians did expect it to be something short and accomplished. So no one really could have imagined that there would be a drawn out conflict that was going to last as it is entering into one year.”

SGA, Ukraine

(Photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association)

Ukraine is a predominantly Christian country. The Church has played a vital role in providing support to those affected by the conflict, including refugees and those who have lost loved ones.

SGA supports many of these churches in Ukraine, and Mock says he has been moved by their testimonies of faith amidst hardship.

“There’s an echoing throughout most of the churches that we serve of this need to be faithful. So as we enter into this year, it was just another reminder of the need to trust in God, to walk through life with an open hand realizing each day may be your last day. It is a time in which we need to live life on mission for Christ.”

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is essential for believers to pray without ceasing.

Mock says, “From a prayer point of view, my greatest heart is that people would see what is happening through the faithful believers in these countries — that they’re maintaining their Christo-centric focus — and through that, we would do the same and not be lulled into a sense of complacency since we aren’t fighting the same hardship.”

You can give to SGA’s ministry here, and also sign up for their crisis prayer team!

(Photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association)

“We recognize that this war is not going away,” says Mock. “So at SGA, we’re continuing to get the message out that there’s an overwhelming need and we encourage your listeners to be a part of helping us in serving the churches.”








Header photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association.