TWR brings hope to Syria quake survivors

By April 19, 2023

Syria (MNN) — Researchers say the twin earthquakes that rocked Türkiye and Syria two months ago were likely the most powerful to ever occur on land anywhere in the world.

Today, people who survived the earthquakes struggle to stay alive in northwest Syria. Of the region’s 4.5 million people, 4.1 million need humanitarian aid to survive.

Although most church buildings in Aleppo are damaged, the congregations are uniting to help anyone in need.
(Photo, caption courtesy of TWR)

“The situation is quite bad regarding basic needs,” Trans World Radio’s Alenka Stephenson says.

“They (Syrians) were already [in] massive distress before the earthquake.”

Thankfully, the February earthquakes did not affect TWR’s team in Syria. They’re helping earthquake survivors through local church partners.

“We are not a humanitarian organization, but we have trusted local churches doing a lot of humanitarian work,” Stephenson says.

The team only gets one hour of electricity every seven to eight hours, but they’re determined to share the hope of Christ.

“It’s a massive undertaking, but they’re dedicated and motivated to keep producing programs,” Stephenson says.

Hope for Syria started some years ago as a response to the war, but they have changed some content to address the current needs [from] the earthquake. They’re recording programming to help [people] deal with trauma and support them in healing.”

Partner with TWR in bringing help for today and hope for tomorrow to people in northern Syria.

“We have a crisis fund for Türkiye and Syria that is helping with the production of trauma healing programs [and] providing some humanitarian aid,” Stephenson says.




Many people in earthquake-stricken areas of Syria are homeless and lack basic needs. TWR strives to bring hope to the hopeless. (Photo, caption courtesy of TWR)