Israel-Lebanon maritime deal moves forward

By October 17, 2022

Middle East (MNN) — Israel and Lebanon are closer than ever to confirming boundary lines in the Mediterranean Sea. A maritime deal, brokered by the United States, indicates where each country can explore, drill, and export oil and natural gas.

Supporters say the deal provides Israel with security and Lebanon with resources. Critics voice concern about terrorist involvement. “It (the deal) would open up a front for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to operate in that maritime border,” Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle explains.

“Iran is the big bully of the Middle East. They fund Hezbollah in Lebanon. There’s an agenda there to get control of some oil and gas.”

Uncharted works with believers in both countries. More about that here. “Being there on the Lebanese side, we’ve seen how people have suffered because of the terrible control influenced in the government by Hezbollah,” Doyle says.

“The poor people of Lebanon, many live in refugee camps in that southern area. Palestinians [in Lebanon] can’t get a job, can’t get citizenship; they’re kept in refugee camps.”

The maritime deal is not yet finalized; many political steps and paperwork remain. Pray for Gospel opportunities as people lose hope in government solutions.

“We must look at the headlines, realize the problems, but then also pray for the spiritual solutions,” Doyle says.

“The people of Israel are frustrated with their government; they don’t have solutions, and this is causing people to look toward Christ as Savior. We’re seeing Muslims so open to the Gospel right now. The young people feel like there’s a lack of hope, and we know that Jesus brings hope in great abundance.”



Header image depicts an oil-digging rig similar to those used in the Mediterranean Sea. (Photo courtesy of wasi1370/Pixabay