russian speaking – Mission Network News Mission Network News Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:32:30 -0500 en-US hourly 1 Israel: Is Hezbollah the next big threat? Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:00:26 +0000 Israel (MNN) — Could another “October 7th-type of attack” come from Hezbollah in the North?

That’s the question on the minds of many Israelis, even as they adjust to life in wartime. Around 200,000 Israelis have fled their homes at both the northern and southern borders.

Eric Mock with Slavic Gospel Association says, “Most reports show about 80% of the Israeli military up on the northern border. They don’t know what Hezbollah will do. So they’re in constant fear that now, all of a sudden, it’s the eye of the storm before rockets come from the North.

(Photo courtesy of Oleg with Slavic Gospel Association)

“So even as they attempt to go back to normal, there’s this recognition that at any second, at any moment, much like what happened to them earlier on October 7, everything could change.”

SGA supports Russian-speaking churches in Israel, which include Jews who fled the war in Ukraine.

However, instead of being immobilized by a new war front, these believers understand the fear their neighbors are going through, and they’re responding with compassion.

“We’re talking about all these people that have been displaced,” says Mock. “Much like a hurricane coming into New Orleans, much like we see other destructions, these people now have nowhere to go.”

With SGA’s help, Russian-speaking churches are delivering groceries to the displaced and gathering for meals.

Mock says, “Central to distribution of food is relationship building, and then the questions follow the relationship building. The [relationships] then provide bridges for the Gospel.”

Pray for spiritual fruit in Israel. Ask the Lord to encourage churches representing Christ and comfort those living in grief and fear.







Header photo courtesy of Oleg with Slavic Gospel Association.

Russian-speaking Jews in Israel reaching those displaced Thu, 19 Oct 2023 04:00:13 +0000 Israel (MNN) — Russian-speaking Jews who escaped to Israel from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine now face another warfront.

But God is raising up these Jewish believers to reach those fleeing from Gaza and other dangerous areas with the hope of Jesus.

“These are churches that are planted by past and current immigrants,” says Eric Mock with Slavic Gospel Association. “We have already been helping them purchase aid and prepare hot meals.

“They’re literally either on the street or in different locations giving people places to sleep, giving people food, and the great part is they’re communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

(Photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association)

Mock adds, “In all the opportunities to distribute aid, we cannot miss the priority of the gospel. This is why we serve local, indigenous churches as they continue to care for their own and advance the gospel.”

Let compassion for those suffering move you to action. Pray that the conflict in Israel doesn’t escalate and that believers stand fast for Christ.

“They’re surrounded by people that may not want to hear the message, and surrounded by rockets. Their context is incredibly difficult right now,” says Mock.

“Be praying for them to have the bravery of Daniel, that they would be inclined to pray and proclaim the gospel rather than shrink back. Pray that they are protected by God in doing that.”

As you pray, remember Psalm 46:8-10, which points us to the God who is sovereign over the world and who calls us to be still and know that he is God.

“It’s important to recognize that we now have serious battles going on on multiple fronts. In the midst of that we are forced to ask many deep questions,” says Mock. “It’s incumbent on us to have our relationship with God squared away and have our eternity understood, and that only comes through faith in Jesus Christ by the grace of God.”

You can make a difference by giving to SGA here and designating your gift for the Israel Fund!






(Header photo courtesy of Taylor Brandon on Unsplash)
