persecution – Mission Network News Mission Network News Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:00:28 -0500 en-US hourly 1 Afghan Christians lament, yet hope remains Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:00:25 +0000 Afghanistan (MNN) — Oppression and injustice grow daily in Afghanistan. Restrictions imposed by the Taliban occupy even the most intimate spaces – homes, families, and minds.

“In countries like Afghanistan, we get some of the longest messages,” SAT-7’s Joe Willey says.

“Conversations between a viewer support team member and a [caller] may go on longer than [in] other countries that have the freedom [to worship Christ.]”

SAT-7 provides Gospel access in the Middle East/North Africa region and supports believers through satellite TV and digital services. More about that here.

SAT-7 recently surveyed its viewers in Afghanistan and Iran about women’s rights and religious freedom. The results held few surprises. “We hear of the struggles; we have, at times, heard very difficult stories,” Willey admits.

Yet hope remains. “Although we in the West may shake our heads and lament the lack of freedom to follow Christ, the Church is growing. That is a testament [to] the power of God working through His Church,” Willey says.

“It is not just a gloomy prognosis. There is hope because our hope is in Christ.”

SAT-7 programs like Insiders encourage Afghans who long for greater religious freedom and autonomy – support from believers like you keeps Insiders on the air.

Learn more about SAT-7’s work in Afghanistan here.

“If you learn more, you can have a real understanding and compassion for people in much different circumstances than many in the West,” Willey says.

Most importantly, pray. “Prayer is not a last resort. It’s a first response,” Willey says.

“Pray for isolated believers in countries where their freedom is limited.”




A series of earthquakes in October caused massive destruction and suffering in western Afghanistan. (Photo courtesy of SAT-7)

Persecution leads to pioneering in Chinese churches Thu, 16 Nov 2023 05:00:17 +0000 China (MNN) — Christians in China continue to face persecution, but by God’s grace they are responding with creativity and resilience.

Joe Handley with A3 says that it is difficult to get information in and out of China.

“Fortunately, we do have channels where we’re hearing what’s happening in the church in the country. While they’re under duress and persecution in many cases, they continue to thrive.”

After their church was shut down, one congregation went to a large park dressed like ordinary citizens, but their headphones were tuned in to their pastor preaching. They were then able to meet in small, unobtrusive groups for fellowship.

(Photo courtesy of Baydar Bakht on Unsplash)

“That’s the kind of creativity that I’m hearing come out of the church of China,” Handley says. “Frankly, I think the rest of us can learn from that.

“As things change in the landscape of the global church, what will the biblical ecclesia — the biblical church — look like for tomorrow? How can we equip leaders for the church of tomorrow? That’s exactly what the Chinese church has done.”

Handley tells about one leader’s perspective given in a recent meeting outside of the country.

“We’re going to be okay,” the leader said. “We’re used to this. We lived for years under this kind of pressure, and right now is a season where we simply have to adapt.”

You can help believers in Asia by supporting A3’s leadership development efforts in countries like China, and by praying for these Christians experiencing persecution.

“Pray for the pressure they face,” Handley says. “They’re constantly having to switch. I know one group that has to change their channel for communication every 12 hours or so, simply because they’re being watched.”

Learn more about A3’s leadership development ministries here.




(Header photo courtesy of A3)

Indian Christians often face rejection from family Thu, 09 Nov 2023 05:00:40 +0000 India (MNN) — The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church was this past Sunday, November 5th. In India, Christian persecution comes from different avenues, but one of the most damaging is persecution from your own family.

Yet, persecuted Indian believers are sharing their faith and standing for Christ!

One woman, Mandavi, started attending Mission India’s Adult Literacy Class and began following Jesus. From there, Regan Miller with Mission India says, “She then came down with an infection in her right leg. Really, her only family were her two brothers, and because she was a Christian, they refused to help her.

“So she was dealing with this leg infection and everything that was causing struggles within her life — alone.”

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)

Mission India put out a prayer request for Mandavi in their daily email, India Intercessor.

“Our intercessors in the US came around Mandavi in prayer, and they just prayed for a change in the situation.”

Eventually, Miller says, “Her brothers changed their minds about their opinion on her faith! They began to visit her and they started covering her medical expenses so she is on a journey to healing. She’s almost completely healed!

“We’re so excited for her, and this actually opened the door so that she could start sharing the Bible and Scripture with her brothers.”

To pray for more Indian Christians like Mandavi, sign up for daily prayer emails with Mission India!

“There’s 1.4 billion people in India and so many of them are unreached, so it can feel a little bit daunting to know how to go about prayer. But we break it down into just simple one to two-sentence prayer requests that we email out each morning.”

Please also pray for Mandavi’s brothers that they would know relationship with Jesus Christ and the joy of salvation. Pray that whole families across India would come into contact with the Gospel.







Header photo courtesy of Shail Sharma/Unsplash.

How do Christians serve when nothing’s safe in Pakistan? Tue, 07 Nov 2023 05:00:02 +0000 Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistani intelligence warns of more attacks on military bases and authorities tighten security following a weekend assault claimed by the terror group TJP. It damaged three grounded aircraft and destroyed a fuel tanker on a base in eastern Pakistan on Saturday.

While TJP focuses on Pakistan’s military, its allies – the Pakistan Taliban – often seek softer targets.

“A mosque or a church or Christian house is a soft target,” FMI’s Nehemiah says.

“Pakistan is not a war-torn country. But for Christians, living in Pakistan is like walking on the edge of a sword.”

Terrorists aren’t the only ones who pose a threat to believers. “This is the face of society in Pakistan,” Nehemiah says.

A 2017 photo of Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan.
(Wikimedia Commons)

“An English language professor in Pakistan’s largest university was hiring students [to] go and fight for ISIS. So, it’s very, very difficult to find out who is who [and] how to protect ourselves [right now.]”

Security is a constant challenge in Pakistan, yet believers press on to make Christ known. It’s not easy when the very people you want to introduce to Jesus could be plotting your death.

“Christians in Pakistan are really suffering at the moment, and this is a very, very difficult [time,]” Nehemiah says.

“Pray they find strength and endurance to continue their mission.”

Find tangible ways to help by connecting with FMI here. FMI pairs Western sponsors with indigenous Christian workers in hard-to-reach places.

“Please ask God to grant them courage and boldness [to] proclaim the Gospel despite the risks and opposition. Pray that they may stand firm in their faith.”



Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Pexels.

Ministry leader parallels antisemitism and persecution Fri, 03 Nov 2023 04:00:21 +0000 Israel (MNN) — The United States and Arab neighbors intensify calls for a ceasefire as Israeli tanks approach Gaza City.

The U.S. and others are reportedly looking at options for Gaza’s future, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken heading to the region today. Meanwhile, Hamas decries outside interference.

(Wikimedia Commons/Kobi Gideon)

Israel’s war with Hamas began nearly a month ago when the terrorist group slaughtered over 1,400 people in a horrific October 7 attack. Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle says today Christians in the region may be at risk as a result of anti-Jewish sentiment.

Groups and individuals that carry animosity toward Jews often hate believers, too, he explains. “With terrorist groups like Hamas, there are two targets. It’s Jews and then Christians,” Doyle says.

“Even in [the] mantra that they shout out, they’re talking about eradicating the Jews, and they’re angry at Christians, too.”

Antisemitism rose globally as the Israel-Hamas war raged in October.

Antisemitic incidents in the United Kingdom surged 300 percent during the first four days of the conflict. Dozens of anti-Jewish rioters stormed a Russian airport. The U.S. Anti-Defamation League reported 312 antisemitic incidents in two weeks.

“Once that evil is stirred up, it just seems to spread,” Doyle says.

“Over time, we see that antisemitism [and] Christian persecution seem to grow together; that same antisemitic spirit [calling] people to rejoice over the death of Jews has been present in Christian persecution.”

Religious, political, and ethnic differences may drive a wedge between Jewish and Palestinian populations, but Christ unites.

Amir*, a Palestinian believer from a Muslim background, used to wear a permanent scowl, and his words were full of poison. Then, he heard the Gospel and accepted Jesus. Today, Amir radiates the joy and peace of Christ.

“One of the things that happened was he didn’t hate Jews or Israel anymore. As he read the New Testament, where [Christians are] called to love our enemies, [Amir] realized he had always hated them (Jews.) He laid that down [and prayed,] ‘God, forgive me, I don’t want to hate anyone!’” Doyle says.

Now, “He’s been sending [text] messages to Israelis saying, ‘We’re praying for you in the Gaza Strip, pray for us, too.’”

As you watch current events unfold, remember to pray. Ask the Lord to protect and encourage the minority Christian communities in Israel and Gaza.

“It’s not just a conflict over land. It’s a spiritual war raging in the heavens that’s much bigger than the nation of Israel and the Muslim countries,” Doyle says.





Header image depicts an Israeli tank circa 2007. (Wikimedia Commons)

VOM Canada spotlights Nigeria as IDOP 2023 approaches Fri, 03 Nov 2023 04:00:22 +0000 Nigeria (MNN) — In Nigeria, people die every week simply for following Jesus. More about that here. From the end of September to October 31, Islamic terrorists killed at least 53 believers and kidnapped 75:

“I’ve been going there for a couple of decades now, and it (persecution) seems to be getting worse and worse,” Greg Musselman with The Voice of the Martyrs Canada says.

“Yet in the middle of all that, we also see how God is working. The number of Muslims coming to Jesus is overwhelming.”

Even though political and economic challenges threaten national stability, hope remains for Nigeria.

“Fuel prices tripled in just a few months. People can’t afford fuel; they can’t afford food; there have been threats of national strikes,” Musselman says.

“When there is a lot of uncertainty, people tend to be more open to the Gospel.”

(Photo courtesy of VOM Canada)

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is on Sunday. We shared yesterday how believers in the United States are preparing, but U.S. churches aren’t the only ones involved in this annual awareness and intercession event.

“For those [reading this report] in Canada, [you can] find all the information” you need to participate on, Musselman says.

“One of the countries we’re focusing on this year is Nigeria. It is the most dangerous place in the world in terms of the deaths of believers.”

Share these IDOP resources with your church family, and remember – we know the One who holds Nigeria in His hands.

“The number one thing that we can do is to pray,” Musselman says.

“As the Holy Spirit gets a hold of our hearts, we can practically help in whatever ways the Lord directs us.”




Header and story images courtesy of VOM Canada.

November 5 is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Thu, 02 Nov 2023 04:00:21 +0000 International (MNN) — According to one report, an average of 13 Christians die for their faith every day. This Sunday, November 5, is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

“One of the things I find most important about this day is that it wasn’t the idea of The Voice of the Martyrs. It wasn’t the idea of American Christians,” Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs USA says.

“This is what persecuted Christians asked us to do.”

VOM USA serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places. More about that here. It’s too late to order print resources, but you can get free sermon notes, study guides, bulletin inserts, and more by request.

Fill out the form here to download digital resources from VOM USA.

(Photo courtesy of VOM USA)

“Voice of the Martyrs has a plethora of resources for the International Day of Prayer available digitally. Share them with your pastor, whoever leads your small group, and tell him, ‘Hey, this is coming up; I want to make sure our church is involved,’” Nettleton says.

“Pastors like to hear from people in their congregation about things that are important to them. Let your pastor know this is important to you.”

Watch the IDOP 2023 video here.

Nettleton says, “The goal of the video is simply to put a name and a face on the people we’re praying for so that we can pray more knowledgeably and effectively, rather than [saying,] ‘God bless persecuted Christians,’ and we don’t know what they’re going through, who they are, or what they look like.”

It’s not too late to involve your church or small group in prayer for persecuted Christians.

“If you’re in leadership at a church, maybe you’ve already planned everything that will happen on November 5. Okay, pick November 12 [or] November 19,” Nettleton says.

“Make sure your church is praying for our persecuted family in November.”



Header and story images courtesy of The Voice of the Martyrs USA.

South Korea overturns law restricting North Korea outreach Mon, 30 Oct 2023 04:00:27 +0000 South Korea (MNN) — South Korea’s Constitutional Court recently overturned a 2020 law that stopped people from sending anti-regime information to North Korea.

North Korean defectors in South Korea often use helium balloons to carry leaflets and USB drives across the border.

“Most of the launching is done by political groups, so the information that’s [sent across the border] is highly political,” The Voice of the Martyrs Korea cofounder and CEO Eric Foley says.

“It contains perspectives [about] government and human rights, and these kinds of things.”

VOM Korea has used a similar balloon-launching approach since 2005, but the material it sends is much different. More about that here.

“Our commitment remained the same, which is to always [ensure] our balloon launches were safe, both for the areas we were launching [in] as well as for the people who would receive our Bibles in North Korea,” Foley says.

“Our group has only ever launched the Bible, and we launch the Bible in the North Korean dialect.”

With the leaflet law overturned, it’s up to local police to regulate balloon activity on the border.

“That’s a good step because we’ve always had a good relationship with the police; we’ve always followed the requirements they laid out,” Foley says.

(Photo courtesy VOM Korea via Facebook)

“They (police) were very helpful in our early days of balloon launching; they would advise us based on where they thought we could be effective.”

North Korea is the world’s worst persecutor of Christians. Foley says the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights began studying various human rights elements inside North Korea in 2000.

“By their calculation, no North Korean inside North Korea had ever seen a Bible with their own eyes,” Foley says.

Today, he continues, “More than eight percent of North Koreans have seen a Bible with their own eyes. That’s probably about 1.65 million people; we don’t know the exact population of North Korea because it’s a carefully guarded state secret by the North Korean government.”

Send the Word of God to North Korea here.



Header image courtesy of The Voice of the Martyrs USA.

Christians need help taking Gospel to dangerous places Tue, 17 Oct 2023 04:00:34 +0000 Middle East (MNN) — Along with war, the Middle East is full of persecution. At the same time, this region holds so much potential.

“As many of your listeners [and readers] would recognize, there are so many lost people in the Middle East [who] desperately need the Gospel,” Brian Dennett with AMG International says.

Multiple ministry leaders tell MNN that the Lord is rapidly calling people out of Islam.

New believers from a Muslim background are ready to “go,” as the Great Commission calls us to do, Dennett says, but they often don’t have the necessary skills to “make disciples.”

“The Called,” a new AMG initiative, supports national missionaries in the world’s most difficult places to follow Jesus.

Yosua risks his life daily to take the Gospel behind enemy lines. Get an inside look into the lives of national missionaries like Yosua when you become a member of The Called.
(Caption, photo courtesy of AMG International)

“We’re looking to provide financial resources, training, and the support they need to reach their people,” Dennett says.

“They know the context of their culture and people, so we try not to influence that. But, at the same time, we want to be sure the churches are healthy doctrinally.”

Dennett says an initial investment in time, money, and energy will pay off over time – five years, to be precise.

“We have a goal with national missionaries, that they would become self-sufficient, and [then] the local church would support their missionary efforts,” Dennett says.

National missionaries will risk their lives daily to spread Christ’s love in dangerous lands where Jesus is not welcome. Partner with AMG here to support them.

“We are called to stand firmly for what we believe and the truth in a quickly shifting culture,” Dennett says.

“We’re also called to stand with our brothers and sisters worldwide and support them; resourcing, loving, and providing training is one way we can help.”




Header and story images courtesy of AMG International.

Analysts fear multifront war in Israel Wed, 11 Oct 2023 04:00:42 +0000 Israel (MNN) – Secretary of State Antony Blinken is heading to Israel to “deliver a message of solidarity and support” following the worst attack on Israeli soil in decades.

The top U.S. official will also “talk about what additional resources we can give them,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said yesterday.

Speaking to reporters traveling with him in Brussels, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin confirmed that a “small group” of U.S. special operations forces are helping their Israeli counterparts with planning and intelligence in operations against Hamas.

On Sunday, a retired four-star U.S. Army general told MSNBC’s “Weekends With Alex Witt” that the U.S. would likely come to Israel’s defense if the conflict escalated beyond proxy fighting to involve countries like Iran or Syria.

According to The Institute for the Study of War, Israeli forces currently face a triple threat from Islamic militants supported by Iran. Military analysts describe the dangers posed by Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and Hamas allies in the West Bank.

Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle adds militants in neighboring Syria as another possible threat.

“The terrorism there’s [on] all sides [from militants] that are possibly going to attack Israel. If that happens, it goes from a war to a regional war,” Doyle explains.

“That’s a big step because when a regional war happens, the big nations start lining up, and we already know who will line up with whom.”

Uncharted Ministries partners with believers inside Israel and the Gaza Strip. More about that here.

No matter what happens next in the Israel-Hamas war, “Jesus is still on the throne, and we’re hearing miracle stories already about divine interventions,” Doyle says.

“When the dust settles, we’ll be able to bring forth all the stories about what Jesus did.”

Missile explosion in the Gaza Strip in conflict between Israel and Hamas.
(Wikimedia Commons)

For example, Doyle describes how one young woman trapped in a Palestinian area found freedom. “She was by herself, hiding under a bed for two days,” he says.

“Terrorists beat on the door several times looking for people, and miraculously, God orchestrated [a way] for her to get out of that area into Jerusalem.”

Some Muslim-background believers in Gaza tell the Uncharted team, “Even though the fighting was in their apartment buildings, they’ve survived!”

To protect the individuals involved, we cannot describe every detail. However, there’s enough information to reflect the faithfulness of our Lord.

Consider sharing these hope stories the next time you discuss current events with a neighbor.

“We, as believers, need to be the salt and light of Jesus because we have a chance to set the tone right now,” Doyle says.

“Talk about the miracles that are happening today, and bring the light of Christ to the conversation. Don’t get political on all this; be the body of Christ and reach out to people.”



Header image depicts the territory involved in the current Israel-Hamas war. (Wikimedia Commons)
